How clean is your toilet?

Keeping toilets and changing facilities clean (from floors and toilets to feminine hygiene units and door handles) is key to both maintaining necessary hygiene standards and keeping members happy. It creates a welcoming environment and shows a commitment to high standards of care.
It is also extremely important in order to minimise the contamination and spread of bacteria, viruses and pathogens that can survive and flourish, especially in humid environments (e.g. changing rooms with showers) and pose a threat to human health.
Adding toilet/changing room checks to your daily cleaning schedule checklist (along with a method statement for cleaning) is crucial for showing due diligence in this area. By including regular toilet hygiene checks and a specific reporting sheet, businesses can clearly demonstrate dedication to this aspect of Health, Safety and Welfare Regulations.
Putting this reporting sheet on display shows members the commitment of the business to their welfare and helps to boost customer confidence.
Keeping historical records shows continual management of the risk of adverse health effects from poorly maintained facilities and stands a business in good stead against blame in case of an illness outbreak.