Post-Lockdown: Dealing with communal objects

1. Do you have automatic taps, automatic soap dispensers, single use paper towels and contactless, covered bins?

2. Can you remove the need to touch items such as doorhandles with bare hands? (Be careful not to break Fire Regulations by propping open internal Fire Doors!)

3. If you don’t already have it, can you implement cash free and contactless payment facilities?

4. Can you block off any areas superfluous to your core business for the time being?

5. Can you remove communal items such a as chalk, hand sanitiser and even water bottles/cups? Or can you stop them becoming a communal item in the first place? Can you ask members to bring their own hand sanitiser and chalk, and fill up water bottles prior to arriving? Can you ask them to bring containers and share out gym supplies?

6. Can members label their own supplies so it is easy to make sure everyone takes their own things home again?

7. Can you minimise the number of people who use sprays, cloths etc to clean equipment to stop them becoming communal?

8. Have you considered how you will manage communal items for staff such as any sign-in system, music system, remote for timer, whiteboard pens, additional cleaning equipment and even first aid equipment and how to administer treatment measures?

If any of these questions raise issues for you, or you would like help on anything else, please get in touch.

#riskmanagement #contamination #removerisk #reducerisk

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