Water, water, everywhere……

The Water Act 2014 has made it possible for business to be able to choose water and sewerage service provider, depending on location, since April 2017 (2008 in Scotland). In order to be eligible, businesses in England have to consume over 5000m3 of water annually (50 000m3 in Wales and no threshold in Scotland). Benefits of switching can include:

– lower water and sewage prices – improved services
– greater water efficiency
– more innovation in the industry

Decreasing water use and implementing efficiency measures will save further costs, not only on water bills but energy bills too if that water gets heated.

Small changes can make a big difference. Regular monitoring is crucial to understanding your business usage and should be the first step. This helps ensure bills are accurate and any leaks are identified early.

Ideas include cistern water savers (over 1 litre per flush!), efficient flush toilets, urinal sensors to only flush when needed, automatic taps and tap aerators, better pipe insulation (to reduce risk of burst pipes in winter), even grey water recycling and water butts can be useful!

Some methods are more expensive than others. Cistern water savers are cheap, simple and can save a significant amount. There is also a Government Scheme called the Enhanced Capital Allowance (ECA) scheme that allows businesses to claim back on water saving technology.

#water #waterefficiency #savewater

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