Is your website compliant?

Like many other businesses, few weeks go by without receiving an email from a website developer offering their services.

Some also offer email hosting/support packages as part and parcel of the service. These are attractive offers for businesses that don’t want the hassle of managing the online side of their business.

But how would you feel if you found out that you were paying for a service that wasn’t legally compliant? Would you know what to look for?

Websites and emails have to contain certain information by law. On checking the websites of the companies offering this service to others, many were found to not contain the legal information required in their own online content and electronic communications. Where they have cited past works, these were spot checked and also found to be non-compliant in many cases as well.

Charges for these services can be upwards of £100 per month. Are you getting what you need to protect your business?

If you want to know more, get in touch!

#legalcompliance #websites #emails

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