Music to your ears…..

Do you use music in your affiliate?
In the UK, it is currently unclear where CrossFit falls under music licencing tariffs since a consultation was carried out back in 2013 that has led to recent inconsistent and, in some cases, extortionate bills. This is an ongoing issue and one which a lot of affiliates have found quite stressful. We have been in talks with PPL PRS to try and find a workable solution but this may be some time off.
The only safe option going forwards is to only use royalty free music, but existing playlists are not quite fitting the bill. Because of this we at Ellipsis Risk Management have been investigating other options, and have been collaborating with Epidemic Sound to create a bespoke solution for CrossFit affiliates – a custom-built, royalty-free playlist and dedicated player, all controlled remotely by Epidemic for a monthly fee that could even work out cheaper than just a background music licence.
It would also get rid of the hassle that comes with the definitions of how PPL PRS licenced music is used. This completely removes the risks of unclear tariffs and unexpected large bills and allows gyms to focus on training people without music worries.
If you want to find out more, email us at
#riskmanagement #findingsolutions #musicuse #crossfitaffiliates