F-ing great idea…..

Equipment management is an important part of running a gym. Being able to monitor the lifespan of equipment is crucial for effective asset management.

Always the pioneers, @roguefitness have launched the F-scale – a thorough testing system of their bars to gauge how many times they can be dropped before they break. They are then given an ‘F’ rating depending on the results of these tests – the higher the F-rating, the more dropping the bar can withstand. This value can then be used to decide when the equipment should be replaced. Various bars have different tensile strengths so this rating is extremely useful to understand the commercially viable lifespan that can be expected. Rogue offer a range of bars with different F-scales so consumers can pick the best bar for the intended use.

You can learn more about the F-scale on their website:

Rogue have even offered to test other manufacturers’ equipment using this scale with the aim of producing an industry standard test for the safe working life of various bars.
Just because equipment comes with a lifetime guarantee this does not mean it will last a lifetime. This just means that a company will replace it if it breaks. However, this will most likely occur during use, so there is a high risk of accident and/or injury, which could end up more expensive for the business than retiring the equipment for commercial use, selling equipment on at an appropriate time and reinvesting the money in new equipment.

#assetmanagement #equipmentmaintenance #safetytesting #riskmanagement @rogueeurope #leadingfromthefront

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