What a waste…

What paperwork do you have in place for waste disposal at your business?
All waste movements must be documented by means of a waste transfer note (WTN), which details the place and date of transfer, nature of the waste, the correct EWC (European Waste Catalogue) code, SIC (Standard Industry Code) of your business, the amount of waste, details of the producer, carrier and where the waste is taken (waste management facility). These can be done per waste movement or as an annual ‘season ticket’ if the waste moved and the parties involved remain the same.
Many waste companies produce their own WTNs, but some request the producer of the waste does it.
The most common way of doing this is via paper records, although there is now an alternative:
Edoc – or Electronic Duty of Care is a national online system that records and manages waste transfers. This has the potential to replace paper copies and is free to use. Access Edoc here.
Hazardous waste has extra considerations. We will discuss this in a future post.
If you need more information on this topic, get in touch.
#riskmanagement #waste #wtn #wastetransfernote #legalcompliance