Take it slow!

With gym reopening on the horizon, how are you planning to make sure you keep your members safe?
In this post we’re going to cover 2 safety issues that may arise with members, especially after a prolonged period away from the gym.
1.Movement Changes
It would be unwise to assume that people who moved well prior to lockdown will still have that ability when gyms reopen. Make sure you assess movements using the M-C-I charter to keep them safe! This may also mean weights need to be gradually reintroduced over time. Many members may find this frustrating, but if you communicate this procedure and explain why it is being done ahead of time, this will help.
2. Overreaching in WODs
Athletes with a previously good level of fitness and strength who come back after a prolonged period away from the gym can be at an increased risk of rhabdomyolysis. Know the symptoms, plan your programming to minimise high risk and high volume eccentric movements, and keep intensity to an appropriate level. Make your members aware of the risks by communicating the signs of rhabdo and what to do if they experience them (i.e. go to hospital).
Safety is paramount. Addressing risks and communicating these with members (and giving them reasons why decisions have been made) is key to ensuring a healthy and successful return to training.