WEEE need to manage waste…

How do you dispose of old batteries from rower/bike consoles and the like?

Do you just throw them in the bin?

Batteries are classed as hazardous waste. 

It is an offence to send hazardous waste to landfill, which if mixed in with general waste, is a likely outcome. If waste companies find hazardous waste in your general waste they are quite within their rights to charge hazardous waste prices for the entire waste load, or fine you, which both lead to significantly higher costs.

Segregating out hazardous waste is a legal requirement because of the damaging effect these items can have on the environment.

Ask your waste company what solutions they offer. Some offer a hazardous waste box, or boxes, that can be emptied as little as once every 12 months (waste on site should not be stored for longer than 12 months, and you should not mix types of hazardous waste). This storage activity does not require registration and is known as a Non Waste Framework Directive (NWFD) exemption.

Also make sure your waste company is licensed to carry hazardous waste and is taking it to a facility that is licensed to accept it. You also need the correct paperwork in place in the form of hazardous waste consignment notes. You may need to produce these yourself. These need to be kept for 3 years.

If you need more information, get in touch.

#keepitlegal #wastemanagement #hazardouswaste

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