Post-Lockdown: Overview

Once the lockdown has been lifted, however that may look, have you thought about how you will manage the following?

✅ Access and egress to buildings & toilets
✅ PPE: minimising cross-contamination
✅ Equipment use, programming and spacing

✅ Dealing with communal objects
✅ Equipment cleaning procedures
✅ Communications to members and conditions for being allowed to attend
✅ Alternatives to attending in person

There are likely to be other topics to be considered in addition to these, but these are the ones we suggest as a starting point.

These are uncertain times and no-one knows what the new ‘normal’ will look like once the lockdown is lifted. Thinking ahead and discussing possibilities and ideas will hopefully help identify working solutions once gyms can re-open.
All gyms are different and what may work for one gym may not work for another. If these discussions can help just one gym to find a working solution, we will have achieved our goal.

If you have a concern or questions regarding an area of risk management that you would like to talk more about, please get in touch.

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