Post-Lockdown: Communications

Have you thought about how you will communicate new procedures and member expectations regarding re-opening?

Can you utilise a members’ group – such as Facebook?

Can you send out a special email?

Can you put notices up at gym once reopened?

Can you add a pop up/ check box to your booking system asking members to acknowledge and agree to new rules/procedures when they next use the system ?

Can you add a check box to ask them to confirm each time they book a class that they have no symptoms?

Can you ask coaches to brief procedures in classes before each WOD?

How can you make your policy and procedure updates accessible to all?

How can you ensure that whatever communications channels you use are auditable and ensure everyone has read and understood the information being communicated? As always, if this raises questions or concerns for you and your business, we are here to help.

#riskmanagement #communications #records

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