Watch your weeds!

The plants above are, top to bottom, Japanese Knotweed, Himalayan Balsam and Giant Hogweed (which although looks like cow parsley is much, much bigger!). They are all classed as invasive species and it is illegal to allow spreading to neighbouring land or the wild. Removal must be done with due care. Other plants, such as Rhododendron ponticum are also classed as invasive weeds. (Removal/treatment is not legally required but preventing the spread to neighbouring land is). Penalties can be severe – up to 6 months in prison and/or a fine of up to £40 000.

Treatment with pesticides and disposal are covered by more pieces of legislation and compentency requirements. Disposal sites must be checked to ensure they can accept and dispose of invasive weeds (which is classed as controlled waste). Improper disposal carries a £5000 fine or 2 years in prison.

In addition, under separate legislation, anyone failing to control invasive weeds could receive an anti-social behaviour order, with up to a £20 000 fine possible.

Giant Hogweed presents an extra problem as it is harmful to human health – chemicals in the sap cause sensitivity to sunlight which can result in severe burns and blistering to the skin, leading to long-term scarring/pigmentation. Make sure there isn’t any along your running routes either!

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