Which route?

How did you choose your running route?

One of the biggest factors for choosing a running route is whether it is easy to identify markers for turnaround points at 100m, 200m, 400m and so on.

But there are numerous other factors which should influence the decision of a route too. You may even have ‘summer’ and a ‘winter’ route!

Factors such as minimising the need to cross roads, run past overgrowing vegetation, the availability of pavements, presence of potholes, even fumes from busy traffic routes – should all be factors that need assessing. Furthermore, looking at the safety of surrounding areas, and line of sight (especially for kids classes), should also be factored in.

Adequate street lighting may be a more pressing factor in winter months, and shaded routes may be more useful in the summer.
Giving members a viable alternative to running when conditions are potentially unsafe (e.g. dark, icy, thunderstorm, extreme heat) is also advised.

How many of these have you considered?

#safetyfirst #running

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