You don’t know what you don’t know….

We love it when we hear these statements from our clients, because it means we have helped them identify risks to their business, and made a difference. Under the common law known as Duty of Care, businesses must demonstrate they have reasonably foreseen risks in order to avoid liability. This includes systems of work, safe […]

Post-Lockdown: Social distancing isn’t just for members…….

What considerations have you made when planning scenarios for re-opening? Have you considered segregated floor area size depending on equipment? Have you considered how much space is needed for various pieces of equipment?What about a barbell? The IWF approved space requirement is 3.5m x 2m for this.What about a rower? These are 2.44m long, or […]

What’s in that spray bottle?

Have you bought chemicals such as disinfectant, sanitiser and other cleaning solutions in bulk in preparation for re-opening? Do you intend to decant them into smaller containers, such as spray bottles? Did you know that any containers you use for those chemicals should be correctly labelled to identify the product inside? Having chemicals in containers […]

Post-Lockdown: Alternatives to attending in person

1. Have you thought about how to keep engagement with members who can’t make the gym from time to time? 2. Can you consider a daily or even weekly online engagement process to keep people accountable for their fitness? 3. How can you increase the vital message of fitness, exercise and nutrition for health to […]

Post-Lockdown: Communications

Have you thought about how you will communicate new procedures and member expectations regarding re-opening? Can you utilise a members’ group – such as Facebook? Can you send out a special email? Can you put notices up at gym once reopened? Can you add a pop up/ check box to your booking system asking members […]

Post-Lockdown: Cleaning Equipment

1. Can you programme cleaning time into class schedules and oversee it to ensure it is done? 2. Can you make it an instructor-led procedure? 3. Can you schedule classes with a break in-between for members to leave safely and extra cleaning to be done before the next class arrives? 4. Have you determined the […]

Post-Lockdown: Dealing with communal objects

1. Do you have automatic taps, automatic soap dispensers, single use paper towels and contactless, covered bins? 2. Can you remove the need to touch items such as doorhandles with bare hands? (Be careful not to break Fire Regulations by propping open internal Fire Doors!) 3. If you don’t already have it, can you implement […]

Post-Lockdown: Equipment use, programming and spacing

Equipment use, programming and spacing….. 1. Were you aware there are already standards for equipment spacing in addition to any social distancing considerations? 2. Have you considered how members will gain access to training areas and how to manage 2m distancing? 3. Have you considered an additional 2m distance from training areas for walkways, coaching […]

Post-Lockdown: PPE & Minimising Cross-Contamination

PPE – minimising cross-contamination…… Have you identified anything members could touch and decided how to minimise cross-contamination by using protective items of clothing? Can you minimise contact with objects unless absolutely necessary (e.g. other than workout equipment)? Can you insist members wear gloves at all times apart from them working out? Can you ask them […]

Post-Lockdown: Safe Access & Egress

Access and egress to buildings & toilets – (this is just the H&S terminology for how to enter and leave a building safely). Have you thought about how members will enter and leave whilst minimising social contact? Have you considered extra cleaning requirements between sessions and how to manage the time required? Have you considered […]