‘COSHH’!! That’s a lot….

Here at Ellipsis Risk Management HQ we are busy preparing COSHH assessments for clients using Safety Data Sheets for the various products they are using day-to-day in their businesses. Who knew gyms had so many products on site needing assessment and recording?! From hazardous properties and special measures for use, to PPE requirements, spillage procedures, […]

What’s in your box?

What do each of these items have in common? They can all be found in gyms (CrossFit or otherwise) and also in many other businesses across the world. The other commonality they share is that they all contain chemicals that need to be assessed by law and considered in terms of risk to health, safety […]

What’s in that spray bottle?

Have you bought chemicals such as disinfectant, sanitiser and other cleaning solutions in bulk in preparation for re-opening? Do you intend to decant them into smaller containers, such as spray bottles? Did you know that any containers you use for those chemicals should be correctly labelled to identify the product inside? Having chemicals in containers […]

Post-Lockdown: Cleaning Equipment

1. Can you programme cleaning time into class schedules and oversee it to ensure it is done? 2. Can you make it an instructor-led procedure? 3. Can you schedule classes with a break in-between for members to leave safely and extra cleaning to be done before the next class arrives? 4. Have you determined the […]

What chemicals do you use?

Controlling hazardous substances is an important part of managing health & safety requirements for businesses. Under the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations 2002, every business has a duty to both their employees and the general public that visit their business to protect them from hazardous substances. Keeping a COSHH inventory is an […]