Managing risks ‘asbestos you can’…..

Any buildings built or refurbished before the year 2000 may contain asbestos, particularly those built pre-1980. Asbestos is hazardous to human health and it is thought at least 100 000 people a year worldwide die from diseases related to asbestos exposure – if the fibres become airborne and are inhaled they enter the lungs and, […]

What chemicals do you use?

Controlling hazardous substances is an important part of managing health & safety requirements for businesses. Under the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations 2002, every business has a duty to both their employees and the general public that visit their business to protect them from hazardous substances. Keeping a COSHH inventory is an […]

How clean is your toilet?

Keeping toilets and changing facilities clean (from floors and toilets to feminine hygiene units and door handles) is key to both maintaining necessary hygiene standards and keeping members happy. It creates a welcoming environment and shows a commitment to high standards of care. It is also extremely important in order to minimise the contamination and […]