Keep clear!
Are your fire extinguishers easily accessible at all times? Are they free from obstruction? Do you monitor and record your checks to ensure this is always the case? Fire Extinguishers must be available and unobstructed at all times, and should not be moved from where they are mounted on the wall or on a dedicated […]
Take action…
Emergency evacuation procedures are an important part of any Health & Safety system. Displaying fire safety signs is a legal requirement under the Health & Safety (Safety Signs and Signals) Regulations 1996. Their purpose is to guide occupants safely out of a building to a place of safety and/or find fire-fighting equipment if lighting fails […]
What’s in your accident book?
Do you regularly record accidents? Do you have a process for immediate investigation of accidents which had a potential for severe consequences? Have you assessed accidents for trends? Have you gone on to investigate and put extra mitigation measures in place and is this all documented and communicated? One way of really showing compliance with […]