Post-Lockdown: Overview
Once the lockdown has been lifted, however that may look, have you thought about how you will manage the following? ✅ Access and egress to buildings & toilets✅ PPE: minimising cross-contamination✅ Equipment use, programming and spacing ✅ Dealing with communal objects✅ Equipment cleaning procedures✅ Communications to members and conditions for being allowed to attend✅ Alternatives […]
What next?
How might gyms operate post-lockdown? ✅ Sanitary measures✅ Spacing requirements✅ Enhanced procedures and communications Over the next few days we are going to explore what measures and considerations may help gym owners manage the likely business changes and operations required on re-opening, and suggest solutions to overcome logistical problems. These posts will only be a […]
Would you be able to continue running your business if something bad happened?
***EDIT*** We originally posted this article on our Instagram feed on 11th July 2019. Unfortunately the COVID-19 situation seems to be one of those things that can’t be planned for, however prepared you are! *************** Business continuity planning is crucial in planning for the risk management of adverse events. Getting your business building and contents […]
Are you being watched?
Many business install CCTV as a crime deterrent, activity monitor and for extra security. However, misuse of CCTV can lead to a hefty fine of up to £500 000.It is a legal requirement under Data Protection legislation to register with the ICO for commercial CCTV use. This costs as little as £40 per year (£35 […]
Managing risks ‘asbestos you can’…..
Any buildings built or refurbished before the year 2000 may contain asbestos, particularly those built pre-1980. Asbestos is hazardous to human health and it is thought at least 100 000 people a year worldwide die from diseases related to asbestos exposure – if the fibres become airborne and are inhaled they enter the lungs and, […]
What is your flood risk?
Do you know what the risk is at your business location from flooding? Find out at and view your flood risk map. Visit the Environment Agency, National Resources Wales, SEPA, Northern Ireland Direct or other national relevant website for more information. Remember that surface water flooding can present just as great a risk as […]
What chemicals do you use?
Controlling hazardous substances is an important part of managing health & safety requirements for businesses. Under the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations 2002, every business has a duty to both their employees and the general public that visit their business to protect them from hazardous substances. Keeping a COSHH inventory is an […]
How clean is your toilet?
Keeping toilets and changing facilities clean (from floors and toilets to feminine hygiene units and door handles) is key to both maintaining necessary hygiene standards and keeping members happy. It creates a welcoming environment and shows a commitment to high standards of care. It is also extremely important in order to minimise the contamination and […]
How many people can your gym safely hold?
Maximum capacity calculations should form part of a Fire Safety Risk Assessment as a legal requirement under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 and Building Regulations Approved Document B. Some high profile incidents have occurred when businesses have allowed building occupation to exceed capacity and an incident has resulted in emergency exits not being […]
Got milk?
Do you have on-site coffee facilities?What do you do with left over/waste milk? Pouring milk (or any other dairy product) down the drain is a criminal offence for businesses in the UK, carrying a fine or even a prison sentence in extreme circumstances. Milk is a highly polluting substance and as such is classed as […]