Post-Lockdown: Social distancing isn’t just for members…….

What considerations have you made when planning scenarios for re-opening? Have you considered segregated floor area size depending on equipment? Have you considered how much space is needed for various pieces of equipment?What about a barbell? The IWF approved space requirement is 3.5m x 2m for this.What about a rower? These are 2.44m long, or […]

Post-Lockdown: Equipment use, programming and spacing

Equipment use, programming and spacing….. 1. Were you aware there are already standards for equipment spacing in addition to any social distancing considerations? 2. Have you considered how members will gain access to training areas and how to manage 2m distancing? 3. Have you considered an additional 2m distance from training areas for walkways, coaching […]

Post-Lockdown: Overview

Once the lockdown has been lifted, however that may look, have you thought about how you will manage the following? ✅ Access and egress to buildings & toilets✅ PPE: minimising cross-contamination✅ Equipment use, programming and spacing ✅ Dealing with communal objects✅ Equipment cleaning procedures✅ Communications to members and conditions for being allowed to attend✅ Alternatives […]

What next?

How might gyms operate post-lockdown? ✅ Sanitary measures✅ Spacing requirements✅ Enhanced procedures and communications Over the next few days we are going to explore what measures and considerations may help gym owners manage the likely business changes and operations required on re-opening, and suggest solutions to overcome logistical problems. These posts will only be a […]