What’s in your accident book?

Do you regularly record accidents? Do you have a process for immediate investigation of accidents which had a potential for severe consequences?

Have you assessed accidents for trends?

Have you gone on to investigate and put extra mitigation measures in place and is this all documented and communicated?

One way of really showing compliance with Duty of Care and commitment to Health & Safety Regulations is the review of any adverse events (or conversely how current procedures are proving effective). Being able to show you have thought about these risks and put in place extra safety measures to reduce risk further is a sign of a gym business dedicated to ensuring the safety of staff and members. This can also show how effective current procedures or changes introduced are and whether further changes are required.

This is one thing we recommend is undertaken at least annually, as part of a wider Management Review Process and we have developed a range of documents to help affiliates for this purpose and many others.

For more information get in touch.

#accidentshappen #itswhatyoudoaboutitthatmatters #managementreview #procedures

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