How DO you clean?

What are your equipment cleaning procedures? Do they go further into detail than ‘wipe down equipment’? Having and implementing a written method statement for ‘how’ to clean keeps your processes consistent, uniform and ensures an efficient system. Communicating this is, as always, is key. Creating posters, leaving a written procedure on a whiteboard, creating a […]

It’s the little things…

Have you remembered to include your timer remote and other items that are frequently touched in your cleaning schedule? It’s easy to forget things that aren’t equipment, such as white board pens, door handles, toilet flushes, taps, any communal IT equipment, vending machine buttons, fridge handles, phones, tills, office equipment and so on. Make an […]

Clean gym happy customers…

Has the equipment upholstery in your gym seen better days? Badly worn equipment in the gym not only shows a lack of care, maintenance and cleaning, but also creates the perfect environment for bacteria to breed, therefore potentially spreading infections or illnesses. It also looks unprofessional.Many equipment manufacturers can offer spare parts or give advice […]

Post-Lockdown: Equipment cleaning extras

What are your equipment cleaning procedures? Do they go further into detail than ‘wipe down equipment’? Having and implementing a written method statement for ‘how’ to clean keeps your processes consistent, uniform and ensures an efficient system. Communicating this is, as always, is key. Creating posters, leaving a written procedure on a whiteboard, creating a […]

What’s in that spray bottle?

Have you bought chemicals such as disinfectant, sanitiser and other cleaning solutions in bulk in preparation for re-opening? Do you intend to decant them into smaller containers, such as spray bottles? Did you know that any containers you use for those chemicals should be correctly labelled to identify the product inside? Having chemicals in containers […]

Post-Lockdown: Cleaning Equipment

1. Can you programme cleaning time into class schedules and oversee it to ensure it is done? 2. Can you make it an instructor-led procedure? 3. Can you schedule classes with a break in-between for members to leave safely and extra cleaning to be done before the next class arrives? 4. Have you determined the […]

Post-Lockdown: Overview

Once the lockdown has been lifted, however that may look, have you thought about how you will manage the following? ✅ Access and egress to buildings & toilets✅ PPE: minimising cross-contamination✅ Equipment use, programming and spacing ✅ Dealing with communal objects✅ Equipment cleaning procedures✅ Communications to members and conditions for being allowed to attend✅ Alternatives […]

How clean is your toilet?

Keeping toilets and changing facilities clean (from floors and toilets to feminine hygiene units and door handles) is key to both maintaining necessary hygiene standards and keeping members happy. It creates a welcoming environment and shows a commitment to high standards of care. It is also extremely important in order to minimise the contamination and […]