Shedding some light on the subject.

What do you do with waste lightbulbs?
Are you using the most energy efficient and environmentally friendly lighting?
LED bulbs are the clear winners in terms of energy efficiency and recycling potential.
Have you assessed what you have in place and made changes for the better?
There is a wide range of alternative bulbs available, a little bit of research can go a long way and save you money regarding both energy use and disposal costs – the latter of which means you may well pay nothing!!
Recolight is the leading WEEE compliance scheme for the lighting industry, giving customers access to the UK’s most comprehensive, free, GDL, LED and luminaire recycling service.
It was set up by the lighting industry to meet their obligations under the WEEE Regulations, keeping waste out of landfill and maximising recycling.
Recolight therefore offer free lamp collections and recycling for business lamps covered by the WEEE Regulations.
There really is no excuse for lightbulbs to go in general waste bins, where they can release harmful chemicals and risk exposure at your business and also to waste management workers.
What do you do with yours?