Shedding some light on the subject.
What do you do with waste lightbulbs? Are you using the most energy efficient and environmentally friendly lighting? LED bulbs are the clear winners in terms of energy efficiency and recycling potential. Have you assessed what you have in place and made changes for the better? There is a wide range of alternative bulbs available, […]
Catch it, bin it….have lots of waste to dispose of……
Have you considered the extra waste likely to be generated by the additional cleaning you are planning post lockdown? Have you thought of how to keep this to a minimum? Have you contacted your waste disposal service provider to find out whether they require any special disposal measures to be taken? This could be as […]
You’re on your own, plasterboard!
Have you done any building or demolition works at your gym involving plasterboard? How did you dispose of the waste? Since 2009 is has been a legal requirement to segregate plasterboard waste and dispose of it separately. Plasterboard contains gypsum – a sulphate which can’t be mixed with biodegradable waste due to the potential to […]