What is Compliance and why is it important?

Compliance. Mention the word and eyes roll, conversations suddenly end and people go quiet. It’s not the sexy stuff of running a business. It doesn’t instantly lead to more members, increase profits or save on costs. and it seems many would rather ignore the topic until absolutely necessary. But the reality is that it can […]

Lease negotiations

. . Lease negotiations can be done at set times as set out in the lease, such as break clauses, end dates and any other specifically specified times (even possibly rent reviews) and legal advice is always worth taking to set yourself up for success. Seek advice from a surveyor as well to ensure it […]


We have become aware of many landlords increasing rent, some by 50% or more, causing gyms financial concerns. Rent reviews are written into commercial leases, usually every 3-5 years with typically 3 months’ written notice. We strongly advise making a note of when these reviews are due and doing a little homework in advance of […]

Ask permission…

Many gyms use photos and videos on social media of their members training in order to market themselves and raise awareness of their business. Did you know you need consent from every member featured in the video in order for you not to be in breach of Data Protection laws? Have you got explicit consent […]

What a waste…

What paperwork do you have  in place for waste disposal at your business? All waste movements must be documented by means of a waste transfer note (WTN), which details the place and date of transfer, nature of the waste, the correct EWC (European Waste Catalogue) code, SIC (Standard Industry Code) of your business, the amount of […]

Shedding some light on the subject.

What do you do with waste lightbulbs?  Are you using the most energy efficient and environmentally friendly lighting? LED bulbs are the clear winners in terms of energy efficiency and recycling potential.  Have you assessed what you have in place and made changes for the better? There is a wide range of alternative bulbs available, […]

WEEE could use some help….

Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment, or WEEE, has special requirements for disposal. SEPA have produced a really useful guidance document on what to do with your WEEE (link below) – a quick google will find you corresponding guides from the environmental body in the country relevant to your business.  https://www.sepa.org.uk/media/36478/weee-disposal-guidance-for-business.pdf  Make sure you are disposing […]