Fire away!!!

What should a comprehensive Fire Risk Assessment include? Detailed analysis/information related to: ✅ Building size & construction✅ User and occupancy profiles, including vulnerable groups✅ Potential fuel and ignition sources✅ Alarm system details✅ Fire fighting equipment details✅ Escape route and assembly points✅ Signage and training✅ Maintenance and records Ideally there will also be other linked documents […]

Take action…

Emergency evacuation procedures are an important part of any Health & Safety system. Displaying fire safety signs is a legal requirement under the Health & Safety (Safety Signs and Signals) Regulations 1996. Their purpose is to guide occupants safely out of a building to a place of safety and/or find fire-fighting equipment if lighting fails […]

Where’s your assembly point?

In that event of an emergency, do your staff and members know where to meet once the building has been evacuated? Legislation dictates emergency routes and exits must enable people to immediately proceed as directly as possible to a place of safety (called a ‘muster’ or ‘assembly’ point) – defined as a safe area beyond […]

How many people can your gym safely hold?

Maximum capacity calculations should form part of a Fire Safety Risk Assessment as a legal requirement under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 and Building Regulations Approved Document B. Some high profile incidents have occurred when businesses have allowed building occupation to exceed capacity and an incident has resulted in emergency exits not being […]