Take it slow!
With gym reopening on the horizon, how are you planning to make sure you keep your members safe? In this post we’re going to cover 2 safety issues that may arise with members, especially after a prolonged period away from the gym. 1.Movement Changes It would be unwise to assume that people who moved well […]
10 Ways to Make your Gym Safer
Here are our top 10 tips for a safer gym: *** 1. Remove j-cups from the rig when not in use Leaving j-cups in the rig has no function and just creates an unnecessary protrusion in an otherwise level surface. Not only that, but it is a protrusion that constantly changes position as it is […]
Storage – how high is your equipment?
Almost without exception we have noticed gyms storing equipment, particularly medicine balls, above head height. In some cases, even heavier equipment such as benches and boxes have been seen stored at potentially dangerous heights. This increases the risk of injuries from falling equipment. Heavy equipment can cause injury outright. Lighter equipment, whilst less likely to […]
We love it when we hear these statements from our clients, because it means we have helped them identify risks to their business, and made a difference. Under the common law known as Duty of Care, businesses must demonstrate they have reasonably foreseen risks in order to avoid liability. This includes systems of work, safe […]
Great service?
Do you get your equipment serviced by an external company? Do you know for certain that you are using someone who is approved by the equipment manufacturer? If not, you could be invalidating your warranty. There is also no guarantee the company servicing the equipment is doing it in line with manufacturer recommendations and with […]
Sorry, what?!!!!!!
How loud is your music? How loud are multiple barbells dropping in a workout? Did you know you have a health & safety requirement to staff to keep noise below harmful levels and provide training and ear protection if certain levels can’t be met? Any noise above 85dB is classed as harmful. Over time loud […]
Controlling the controls….
Document control is an important part of risk management. It is critical to ensure traceability and helps reduce errors in processes and procedures being implemented. It can also serve to show continuous improvement and evidence of duty of care. Additionally it helps to ensure business tasks and responsibilities are assigned and shared efficiently and appropriately […]
How clean is your toilet?
Keeping toilets and changing facilities clean (from floors and toilets to feminine hygiene units and door handles) is key to both maintaining necessary hygiene standards and keeping members happy. It creates a welcoming environment and shows a commitment to high standards of care. It is also extremely important in order to minimise the contamination and […]