Who’s who?

How many first aiders and fire marshals do you have at your gym? According to the HSE, first aid provision must be ‘adequate and appropriate in the circumstances’. This means that you must provide sufficient first aid equipment, facilities and personnel. Likewise you must have at least one fire marshal, with the requirement increasing with […]

Take action…

Emergency evacuation procedures are an important part of any Health & Safety system. Displaying fire safety signs is a legal requirement under the Health & Safety (Safety Signs and Signals) Regulations 1996. Their purpose is to guide occupants safely out of a building to a place of safety and/or find fire-fighting equipment if lighting fails […]

What chemicals?

This is the Safety Data Sheet for Magnesium Carbonate , or chalk. Whilst not one of the most hazardous substances in a CrossFit gym, you should still have this on file and as part of your legally required COSHH assessment. Briefings to staff should also be undertaken and recorded. It may also be prudent to […]

How cool?

Do you have any fridges or other appliances keeping food cool (e.g. refrigerated vending machines)? Under food safety law, refrigeration temperatures should be between 0°C and 5°C and should be checked and recorded at least twice a day (am and pm). It is good practice to do this regardless of what the fridge is used […]

Do you have gym heating?

Gas heaters may seem like a good option, but there are a huge set of regulations and risks surrounding what you can and can’t do. A quick search on social media has highlighted an extremely dangerous trend of using propane gas cylinders indoors to heat gyms – risking the leakage of harmful gases into an […]

Controlling the controls….

Document control is an important part of risk management. It is critical to ensure traceability and helps reduce errors in processes and procedures being implemented. It can also serve to show continuous improvement and evidence of duty of care. Additionally it helps to ensure business tasks and responsibilities are assigned and shared efficiently and appropriately […]

What’s in your accident book?

Do you regularly record accidents? Do you have a process for immediate investigation of accidents which had a potential for severe consequences? Have you assessed accidents for trends? Have you gone on to investigate and put extra mitigation measures in place and is this all documented and communicated? One way of really showing compliance with […]