Check before use…

How often do you check your equipment for loose bolts? Over time, vibrations and general movements during use can cause bolts to become loose in gym machinery and equipment. This can present risks in 2 ways – either through bolts falling out/off and so decreasing the structural stability and safety of equipment, or through mechanical […]

What are you measuring?

If you don’t measure, you don’t know.  You can’t mitigate against a risk if you don’t know that you have one. And you don’t know if your improvement actions are working if you don’t check it. Monitoring, measuring and recording data is the only way to be sure. #monitor #measure #record #takeaction #continuousimprovement #riskmanagement

Give it some space…

We posted a while back about spacing requirements for CrossFit workouts. This is one of our template documents, ERM006d Maximum Capacity Calculation Procedure. It goes into great detail and includes specific calculations regarding movements and workouts in order to assess what a safe space should look like. This is in addition to Fire Regulations and […]

Read the manual!

Have you checked your cleaning arrangements are in line with manufacturer guidelines?  If you don’t follow the manuals you risk damaging the equipment and invalidating warranties. Extra costs are not what gyms need right now! Here at Ellipsis Risk Management, we’ve done the leg work for you. Swipe to see a sample of our documents […]

WEEE need to manage waste…

How do you dispose of old batteries from rower/bike consoles and the like? Do you just throw them in the bin? Batteries are classed as hazardous waste.  It is an offence to send hazardous waste to landfill, which if mixed in with general waste, is a likely outcome. If waste companies find hazardous waste in […]